
Welcome to the Consumer Computing Laboratory. CCL is a laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb.

The goal of Consumer Computing Laboratory is bootstrapping consumer-centered innovations in application development. Innovation and creative thinking is a defining feature of human intelligence, but the majority of humanity is limited in expressing their ideas through application development. This is due to a burden imposed by application development paradigms that require knowledge of specific technologies and processes that fail to deal with what while not abstracting the how.

Artificial intelligence in a symbiotic relationship with the plural wisdom of the crowd represents a mechanism that needs to be put in service of human intelligence and assist consumer innovation during application development. Only then will human intelligence of a much larger population of ICT consumers be able to express its individual and unique creativity and innovation in application development.

Creating a productive application development environment for consumer-centered innovation requires joint effort and strong interdisciplinary research of techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and theories from a variety of academic disciplines including formal, social and natural sciences, as well as humanities. That is why the laboratory established a new research discipline called consumer computing and is initiating the creation of a global Consumer Computing R&D Network.

To contact our group use the following email, phone or address:

FER Consumer Computing Laboratory
Unska 3
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 1 612 98 97
Fax: +385 1 612 96 53
E-mail: ccl@zemris.fer.hr

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